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Marine Management Organisation16th August 2019

Marine Management Organisation

Our fish hatchery is delighted to have been successful in obtaining a 50% grant from the Marine Management Organisation to help us improve our infrastructure and add value to our business. We are to build a recirculation system with a biofilter at our hatchery, this will enable us to use water more efficiently which is essential as water becomes an increasingly valuable resource, the water having been used by us will be cleaned before being put into the river system. Whilst using less water we will be able to use the water more efficiently by recirculating it providing higher water flows for the fish which in turn enables them to grow faster and we are therefore able to increase our output making our business more efficient.

Caring for the environment is essential and the hatchery prides itself in doing so, this grant will enable our project to proceed which will mean we use water more efficiently, output is increased and our fish continue to be produced in a sustainable manner by utilising the latest technology available.

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